Monday, July 9, 2012

All Checked In

Well, we almost lost fifty bucks right out the gate. Aaron was rushing through the computer booking terminal and accidentally marked that we had excess baggage. Fortunately, Deltas  reversed the charges. Phew, on a tight budget, fifty dollars means a lot! All sorted out now, though. Now we are just Waiting for our flight to Atlanta. By the way, our bags weighed 33 and 23 pounds respectively. Not too bad for four weeks of stuff!
   Lastly, thanks mom and dad plumb for the ride. We could not have made it here without you. We had a great "last supper" of burgers and freedom fries. God bless America!

1 comment:

  1. haha. pro americans!
    you two look great! cutest backpackers. i still remember shula complaining about the backpackers in S. Africa... calling them stinky and dirty and ugly! :)
